As the ski season nears, it’s time to shift focus from aerobic training (longer, slower exercises) to more anaerobic training (high-energy sprints). Hopefully you have worked hard to have a strong aerobic foundation over the Summer so now you can focus more on shorter, ski-specific exercises to train your lungs and heart to perform in high intensity situations – both in training and racing.
Of our two main energy systems (aerobic & anaerobic system), the anaerobic system is the high-power, fast-burning system. It’s a lot like high octane fuel in a race car – it provides energy quickly when needed, but burns out relatively fast. Anytime you jump, sprint, or put out a hard effort like in a SL or GS run, you’re using primarily your anaerobic energy system.
Benefits from Increasing your Anaerobic Fitness:
- Increased Power & Endurance during Performances
- Ability to Train at a High Level for Longer Periods
- Ability to Finish Race runs w/ High Energy & Agility
Anaerobic training is HARD! It’s what some people call “Type 2 fun”, which is something that is really challenging physically and mentally, but can still be fun, especially if you’re training in a group! The best skiers in the world are incredibly fit anaerobically. They’ve made it a priority to push their bodies to the limit!
Any exercise can train the anaerobic system as long as:
1) it’s a hard, usually high-intensity effort
2) it’s a relatively short effort (typically between 10-60 seconds)
3) there’s enough rest to recover between exercises
Here are a variety of Anaerobic Exercises you can do at home:
Tuck Jumps Skier’s Jumps Bike Sprints Hill Sprints
Lunge Jumps Rower Sprints Stadium Stairs One-Legged Jumps
- Choose 5 exercises- start with two sets of 10 reps each (jumps) or 15 sec. each (sprints)
- Vary the terrain- utilize both flats and on hills
- Be sure to recovery between exercises
- DIG DEEP! You are stronger than you think.