Sleep is often referred to as a “performance enhancing drug”. Yes, it is that powerful! Believe it or not, getting the right amount of sleep is often times more important than getting in a strength or agility workout. Without the proper amount of rest, the work you do in the weight room, or on the field and slopes may be wasted.
When you sleep, your body releases hormones that help the repair and growth of your muscles. Sleep, therefore, makes you bigger, stronger and faster! Sleep ensures that all the work you do during the day, gets put into the bank at night. Allowing your body (and your brain) to rest and recover will also allow you to train with more intensity, learn new movements more efficiently, boost your mood and focus, and even help prevent injuries. There’s no down side!
Olympic athletes know this and respect their sleep time. US Ski Team Olympian Breezy Johnson says this about her sleep.
“I think some things are obvious to success, but sleep is something people often overlook. Getting the amount of sleep my body needs (9.5 hours for me) ensures that the work I do in the gym and on the hill isn’t in vain.”
Want some hard evidence? Here’s what the folks at Sports Innovation Lab shared:
“At Stanford University, sleep expert Cheri Mah conducted the breakthrough study in 2011 when she analyzed the effects of sleep on sports performance. She found that college basketball players who increased their daily sleep schedule from 7-8 hours a night to at least 10 hours for 6-7 weeks recorded faster sprint times, reduced signs of fatigue and injury, and higher free-throw (+9%) and 3-point (+9.3%) shooting accuracy.”
Cheri Mah recommends 8-10 hours + sleep every night for elite athletes. How will that extra sleep translate to your sports? The National Sleep Foundation reports the following benefits.
- You’ll Be Faster: One study showed that athletes who got an extra two hours of sleep a night, boosted their speed by five percent. Optimal sleep means you’ll have faster reaction times – critical to ski racing!
- You’ll Increase Your Intensity: Athletes who get at least 9 hours of sleep a night are more likely to do higher intensity workouts, such as strength sessions. Who doesn’t want to have more energy and intensity on the hill and in the gym?!
- You’ll Train Your Brain: Training and competition can call for just as much mental strength as physical strength. Being well-rested also boosts your alertness and mood. Having that boost of mental energy and focus on the hill will make your training sessions much more productive.
- You’ll Boost Your Coordination: Sleep is vital for cementing recall linked to body movements. You can help your body better consolidate memories linked to motor skills simply by hitting the sack! No matter what sport you compete in, coordination is key!
- Less Injuries: A Scandinavian study found that sleeping more than 8 hours per night reduced the chance of injury by over 60% in adolescent athletes. Wow! In a sport like ski racing (or soccer and lacrosse) where injuries are common and can easily take you out of competition, this is critical information.
The message here is that getting quality sleep is an EASY way to boost your performance and results on the slopes, field or court. So, to all you athletes out there, it’s time to make your sleep a priority!
Here’s a few things you can do tonight:
- Keep your room cool, quiet and dark (pile on the cozy blankets)
- Have a bedtime routine (practice relaxation/breathing exercises/gratitude)
- No screen time 30 minutes before going to bed (leave your phone outside your room on silent)
- Have a morning routine (include some movement- hmmm… burpees??! Or maybe just a nice stretch!)