Coach Demi at the Ropes Courses-
Today we woke up early, skipped a morning run and headed straight to Essex for the Northern Lights Ropes Course. After dividing into groups where a coach and counselor were harnessed up along with the kids, each group was sent to a different element. Throughout the morning we cycled through the lower, upper and middle ropes courses and the leap of faith. The biggest challenge of the morning was avoiding the temptation to use our belaying ropes (lobster claws) for support. However, the height of some of the elements really pushed kids beyond their limits.
After my group completed the “Incomplete bridge” on the middle course I could not have been happier. Although it took 25 minutes to cross the element, we were intertwined, working together as one unit the entire time–rather than simply sending pairs across. It was great to see that the kids were just as psyched as I was when we finally got to the end. They appreciated the teamwork and enjoyed completing a challenge that was self-imposed and more difficult than most.
At the end of the morning, campers had been partnered with unfamiliar campers, pushed out of their comfort zone from the mere height of the elements and forced to communicate and rely on each other in a way that made them think differently. These kinds of challenges are what we’re all about at ELITEAM, so it’s great to see them have an impact on the campers.
Sufferfest!!! …with Coach Makenzie-
As we drove back to GMVS from the Northern Lights ropes courses, it was pouring rain. We weren’t sure if the weather would complicate things for Sufferfest. In true Eliteam fashion, the clouds cleared just in time for the beginning burpees. 100 of everything was the goal including 100 push-ups, Russian twists, sit-ups and this week’s additional lunges with rocks. On the count of “1, 2, 3, SUFFER!” we were off with a bang. The final Sufferfest of the 2014 Eliteam summer! In addition to the 100 reps of every exercise, campers had 10 minutes to move the Eliteam dirt pile to the back of Doug’s truck. Of course there was the traditional river walk at the end of it all. We scurried down the muddy bank to the Mad River and walked up the river for 10 minutes, then turned around and headed back to campus. The cold water acted as an ice bath and will likely benefit our sore muscles tomorrow. “So suffery” was a description heard about the last 2014 Sufferfest. “Hashtag noodles!” And “Hashtag suffer!” were some of the goofy things being screamed in the circle. It was a sunny, wet and dirty ending to a summer of Eliteam “suffering.”