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The first day at ELITEAM is all about Team Challenges. Groups of 12 trying to Swing onto a 2’x 2’ box, or make it through the spider web, or balance their way across the tire bridge. I was floating between the groups, and as I made my way around, loud cheers of victory would spontaneously erupt from different parts of the ELITEAM woods. A great sound of triumph.
At dinner this particular group takes their time eating, which is nice. There was non-stop chatter and gesturing about ways they could have gone faster or farther. The spaghetti was devoured along with the garlic bread, salad and fruit. Of course the chocolate milk is always a hit at camp.
After dinner we hit the field for some agility exercises using dowels, poles and cones. Of particular fun were the butt-kicks, 180’s and arm-pivots. Coach Andrew somehow makes something as simple as high-knees seem like an Olympic event.
Back in the dorms before bed, we read about what 3-time Olympic Medalist Julia Mancuso eats for breakfast before a race (oatmeal, muesli or boiled eggs) and what her favorite dryland training exercise is (jumping…to work on explosive power- ex. tuck jumps and side to sides.) We’ll be doing plenty of that in the days to come.
It is 9:09 and my boys dorm is quiet!
Click here for today’s photos.
“The Nitro” is one of the most popular low elements in the Eliteam woods. See Coach Andrew’s video.