Wednesday’s Recap : The Sandpit Slalom and the Sandlot Movie!
Today was another awesome day of action starting with the annual Sandpit Dual Slalom. After an inspection the ELITEAMers took three practice runs dialing in the line, and finding the right pressure and risk that matched the sand and course. And then the timers came out and the campers raised there game to the limit – sometimes going over the limit and crashing spectacularly. The top crash went to Izzy who scorpioned through the finish, but got up and raced in the finals! The quick dip in the lake cooled everyone off and also cleaned off all the sand.
After lunch it was some Physical Testing and although they were tired and sore, the campers pushed hard to test their limits. And following that, we had a fun rotation of Boxing, Tramps and some Partner Yoga!
Finally it was time to relax and let loose with the Dress-Up night and the campers all had on Crazy Hats, Fanny Packs and ELITEAM shirts! Well done Campers (and parents!) Following the Limbo Contest it was time to watch a movie and “The Sandlot” was enjoyed by all! They rolled out of the movie into bed immediately!
Tomorrow is another big day with Mtn Biking and the Adventure Ropes Course. And in the afternoon we have a special challenge for them that includes eating Crickets, Octopus and Spicy Kimchi. They will definitely be pushing their limits!
It was back to the boys for the Quotes tonight!
What was your favorite activity today and why?
- Geoffrey N– The sandpit slalom. I liked being competitive and racing friends.
- Boden F– My favorite activity today was the sandpit slalom because it pushed me.
- Charlie R- Sandpit slalom because it was a cool activity and it was like skiing.
- Sam- Sandpit slalom. It was gnarly.
- Ryder D- The lake cause it felt amazing after the sandpits.
- Wick- Sandpit slalom because it’s really fun going down fast.
One mental skill you used today and how did you use it?
- Geoffrey N – I used visualization today. It helped me plan out the route I was going to take.
- Boden F– I pushed my limits today because my stomach hurt and I tried the sandpit slalom.
- Charlie R- Breathing/calmness.
- Sam- Visualization before I hit the course.
- Ryder D- Breathing through some ankle soreness.
- Wick- I used breathing as a mental skill when I was doing the yoga and I was breathing out and in really slow.
What did you learn about yourself today?
- Geoffrey N – I learned that you can really do anything if you want it more than the rest.
- Boden F– I have a better vertical than I thought.
- Charlie R- I am making improvements because I am working hard.
- Sam- I have grit.
- Ryder D- That I could do a front flip.
- Wick- I learned that I’m pretty flexible.
If you could tell your mom or dad one thing right now, what would it be?
- Geoffrey N – I am having so much fun. Looking forward to the rest of the week.
- Boden F– I did well on testing today.
- Charlie R- This camp is a lot of fun. If I could be a camper next year I would.
- Sam- I love you.
- Ryder D- I can’t wait to see you.
- Wick- It would be that I had the fastest overall sandpit slalom time.